I FLIPPING LOVEEEEEE KOOLAID IT TASTES SOOOO GOOD >O im littterallyyyy drinking it as i type this i just needa share my obsession with koolaid (specifically koolaid jammers, tropical punch, all the other flavors are just ok imo, and koolaid feels wrong to drink if its not in a packet thingy) ANYWAYZZZZ i litterally could drink it all day its so refreshing and I can litterally drink a box with 10 o... » Continue Reading
(spoilers class of 09 below) [I will try to keep it as light as possible, but TW for mentions of sex, fetishes, drugs, etc, honestly id just skip this blog if u don't know much about class of 09'] So class of 09 the Flipside just came out yesterday, and well it sure is... something! 0n0 I didn't buy the game, but I watched a play-through and to get straight to the point, its not that good, which s... » Continue Reading
2nd time making a blog WOOOO .o.!! anyways y'all I'm bored asf rn so Im just gonna ramble about whatever the hell I want, anyways here it is WHY IS EVERYTHING I WANT SO EXPENSIVE UGH D: » Continue Reading
hi to anyone who reads this lmao, I found out abt space hey a few months ago and joined out of curiosity, but I low-key forgot Abt it after like a week LMAO .-., anyways I decided to start using it again and what's a better way to start than making my first blog :0!! idrk a lot Abt how the blogs on here rly work but I'm sure I'll figure it out, anyways just wanted to pop on here and say hi to the ... » Continue Reading