2nd time making a blog WOOOO .o.!! anyways y'all I'm bored asf rn so Im just gonna ramble about whatever the hell I want, anyways here it is
WHY IS EVERYTHING I WANT SO EXPENSIVE UGH D:<!! for context earlier today I noticed my computers keyboard is kinda getting old, its cheap, and I should probably start looking to get a new one, so I just start looking up keyboard recommendations cuz I want one thats gonna last awhile -.-, and I come across this keyboard brand called Unicomp, and I go on their website and I love their keyboards but the cheapest one I saw was 155 USD >:0!! now I get it, I'm sure there's something like the manufacturing cost that makes it so expensive BUT GODDAMNIT I STILL WISH IT WAS CHEAPER LMAO -o-
ANYWAYSSS LOLLLZ wanted to ramble on that because I think a lot of people can relate to wanting something but its too expensive for them to buy, or not, what the hell do I know -n-
ok byeeeeeeee :))
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Chaos Conspiracies
agree or u want it but cant have cuz of parents n such