At first, I barely even noticed. We never had a bug-free home. One of the perks of Grandpa building the addition himself back in the 90s. Huge water bugs, intimidating wasps, and annoying mosquitos were always inconvenient but never unexpected. And whenever it rained, we were sure to get a few lost rolly pollys. So of course our bathroom, with 20-plus years of water damage and no vent, was bound t... » Continue Reading
All my writing is very personal. I can hardly bear to write while in the presence of another human, even if they are not watching me. It feels like someone has walked in on me naked but not naked as a transition. Naked as an existence. That I am examining myself in the mirror. Analyzing what I see. Disgusted and enamored by every last piece. I would rather die than have someone see me in that stat... » Continue Reading
This past summer I helped my grandpa move a lot of dry brush he had cut down. I'm not built for hard labor, so I was kinda pissed the whole time. However, I wasn't going to just let him move it all by himself. While taking one of the wheelbarrel loads to the burn pile I stopped to catch my breath. At the same time, the wind blew and my sweat went from feeling like a complete nuisance to utter reli... » Continue Reading
i had a very vivid dream last night. i was the eldest sibling out of 3. I had a younger brother (the middle child maybe around 18) and a younger sister (the youngest maybe around 15). we all had superpowers of some kind, i only remember that i had telekinesis. we also had adoptive parents. we were having a pachanga. My sister liked a guy who was there but he was only paying attention to me. this m... » Continue Reading
The soft light poured over his desk. It was the only light source in the room. As he pondered over his tattered journal the light faltered slightly. Immediately his eyes darted towards the lamp. Nothing. His focus shifted back to the page and he slowly resumed his writing. However, the light once again flickered and then went out. With a sigh, he lifted himself up and headed for the overhead light... » Continue Reading