i had a very vivid dream last night. i was the eldest sibling out of 3. I had a younger brother (the middle child maybe around 18) and a younger sister (the youngest maybe around 15). we all had superpowers of some kind, i only remember that i had telekinesis. we also had adoptive parents. we were having a pachanga. My sister liked a guy who was there but he was only paying attention to me. this made her run off crying. i turned to this guy and told him he needed to go ask my sister to dance. i slightly threatened him with my powers and he obliged. after a few hours the party was winding down. my brother came to me and said he could not find our sister. me, him, and our parents were looking until the sun rose. we then heard from one of the people that attended the party that she had left with the guy she liked. I then took off in my car with my brother and went to an auto body shop i knew the guy's family owned. i saw people, people i know from real life, gathered around and they tried to stop me from seeing. but i made it past them. there i saw my younger sister hanging. it was a gut wrenching sorrow that over came me. i was held by a family friend when i heard someone mumble something. i don't remember what they said exactly but i flew off the handle. i grabbed them, shoved them to the ground, and beat them to death. immediately i ran. i hid out in department store for what felt like years. eventually i turned myself in. in that time my adoptive parents had a child and she was about 4. somehow she looked like the younger sister. they had told me in the van as they took me to jail that they had taken her from my parents because i had refused to turn myself in. they also told me that i was being charged for both deaths and that they would not be looking into the guy who my sister liked. this enraged me. so i used my powers to mess with the van as much as possible. i woke up right as i made the van crash.
60 to life (violent dream)
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