I have an issue with abandoning everything, purge my account, delete it, and then make a brand new one. it's a little embaressing,,,;; there's no reason to but i've done it multiple times now, then I regret it afterwards then rarely go active on that new account. I did it a few days ago on toyhouse, instead of just transferring the ocs i had on the one i wanted to move on from- I just deleted them... » Continue Reading
game review thing, I just wanted to show off some neat gaems i found while scrolling htorugh itch.io "god opens the door" - vvrymwood - a surreal-horror game about flushing your mother down the toilet content warnings: child abuse/neglect, blood, alchohol and death/murder I really liked the art » Continue Reading
If i had sharp teeth my mouth would be non stop bleeding with how often i bite my own tongue and cheeks But- i do love sharp teeth :] they're very fun, i like seeing them on characters. I like fangs too, i like how my canines kind of look like fangs. I need to stop biting the inside of my mouth though, i somehow bit my tongue too hard and now it has some sort of scar. » Continue Reading