Category: Blogging
Any type of game is strictly disallowed in my networking classes in off-time, but for some reason, social media IS allowed. what's the deal with that? » Continue Reading
"being epic"
23 y/o, epic gamer girl
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Category: Blogging
Any type of game is strictly disallowed in my networking classes in off-time, but for some reason, social media IS allowed. what's the deal with that? » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I dont know why i do this to myself. I host this minecraft server sometimes, where I play the "Game master" for friends of mine. I make and puppeteer NPC characters, try and make the world feel living and breathing. its a tonne of work, but pretty fun. Even if theres things like, having to spend hours troubleshooting, or mods causing memory leaks that make things crash a bunch, it can be fun ive b... » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
i have successfully hidden among the humans. they suspect nothing » Continue Reading