you really took your time and read something that you think is stupid?? damn y’all have no lifeee and plus, what made you think i’ll actually read it?馃槶 i really really don’t care like 馃拃馃拃 in a year you’ll understand how actually stupid you are馃槶 » Continue Reading
how is it that i find things that aren’t supposed to be aesthetic, aesthetic? like,, me and my beat friend can find anything as aesthetically pleasing 馃槶 and when i tell others they don’t understand but only ppl with cool style and all that can understand!! if you don’t get me i will list some things that are really aesthetic but others can’t see trash + trash cans teeth pills cast for broken arms ... » Continue Reading
tbh until not long ago i always hated rules and thought they are so stupid because why can’t we do whatever we want?? annoying right? but imagine if there weren’t any rules.. ppl would do whatever they want and that’s actually terrifying like if they want the can jump anyone and do all kinds of terrible thing right? but then i was thinking like okay so what if we lived in a world where ethers were... » Continue Reading
i’m 18 and a half and don’t have license because something happened two years ago and because of that the government wouldn’t let me start taking driving classes because here in my country you have to do at least 31 classes and it depends on the teacher but most of them are doing classes for like 50- 80 dollars per lesson and you also need to do two kind of test to get license and they both cost l... » Continue Reading
just kinda bored and i was thinking how weird it is that no letter what, everyone will die at some point and you can’t prevent it like isn’t it crazy?? i wish i could know when i’ll die but not how because i believe it’ll make me hella paranoid haha but every time i think about how i can die anytime i just get the rush to do everything like now as i’m writing this i’m scared i don’t live but just ... » Continue Reading
i was just on my way back from the grocery shopping with my mom and she started AGAIN the argument of “you need to get back in contact with your family” (i don’t have any contact with my mom’s family side long story but i have a really bad phobia from them and i really REALLY can’t see them) and i said no i won’t and she said how i’m “making everyone’s life more miserable and tough” which surprise... » Continue Reading
how i love adam sandler omggg i wish he was my dad but in another univers my husband TT he is my favorite actress in the world althogh i LOVE zendeya tooo they need to do a movie together!!! and jim carryyyyy » Continue Reading
it doesnt feel real to me that everyone on this website is a real personnn am i the only one?? like fr yall are alive and are doing your things and idk what im saying lmao but that just so cool ill never know about most of the ppl here and so it feels like no one here is an actual living life is is doing its things!! crazy to idk about yall and i know no one read this but i dont care lol im just ... » Continue Reading
im working on my profile and i accidantly remove thing and nothing is working my way but i dont want to keave it how it look like rn because its uglyyy so ignore how my profile is rn thank you TT » Continue Reading
idk i relly like my room but i change how it looks way too fast i dont know why i get tired from how it looks so fast TT like it looks FANTASTIC rn and i get lots of comliments on it but still i got bored of it and i have this room design for only two month -_- idk whats wrong with me lol but i wont change it cuz of the war its not the time » Continue Reading
am i the only one who cant see the future? but not i a sui cidal way but like,, rich ppl and climente change way,, you know what i mean? like idk i really cant see the future and i want to!! it makes me so anxios cuz i rlly do wanna be in GOOD future you know what i mean? and even if there will be a future, will it be good? cuz tbh i think ill be a whore or on the steet because of how hard life is... » Continue Reading