i was just on my way back from the grocery shopping with my mom and she started AGAIN the argument of “you need to get back in contact with your family” (i don’t have any contact with my mom’s family side long story but i have a really bad phobia from them and i really REALLY can’t see them) and i said no i won’t and she said how i’m “making everyone’s life more miserable and tough” which surprised me a lil because she’s a therapist and she’s supposed to know to NOT say this kind of thing like??????? and then we started arguing really bad and there was a thunderstorm outside and when we got home and got out of the car there was a thunder really loud and i’m scared of thunders so my reflex was to get down and close my ears with my hands but because she was angry at me she screamed at me to get up and stuff like that but i didn’t really hear her,, so after the thunder i ran to the house and we both put the groceries in the cabinet and fridge but arguing at the same time and then i went up to my room ohhhhh i forgot to say how SHE started crying like wthhh why won’t she stop making everything about herself all the time?! and she loves the attention from everyone no matter what!! and now i’m in my room and she went to take my dad from somewhere because his car broke down or something and now i’m scared she’ll khs /: i’m really really scared something will happen to her.. idk what to do
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I dunno if I'm in any position to dish out advice, but I'd say you just gotta have a talk with her, like a calm, no screaming, no fighting, heart to heart. Stressful times often bring out the worst in people, if she's being too selfish you just gotta make her see it for herself. I'd wager you're in truce period, gotta take off the lit fuse before the ticking bomb sets off again, sit down, have a chat, share what you feel, be honest about it all and stay calm, if she starts yelling just don't yell back, she'll look the fool and lose all advantage. Times like these you just gotta find a compromise, something that the both of you could agree on, after sharing how you feel and letting her do the same, when the talks slowing down or about to heat up make a deal like how you'd like to deepen your relationship with your parents or whatever, if you explained how you feel without triggering a fight you should be able to close out the deal by being sweet and loving even if you gotta fake it a bit, something akin to telling her you love her and would like to go out to dinner and have some fun or whatever. Sorry for intruding, I'm out.
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thank you so much for the advice!! i’ll talk to her today the way you said and i hope it’ll work out 🙏 and you didn’t intruded!! again thank you so much and you’re absolutely right i will talk to her when she gets back💗
by Smoglot77; ; Report