מרא mara

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"up too late"

31/Scotland, she/her

Mood: headachey

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Why do "dreams and the supernatural" go together in one category?

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I just want to talk about my chronic nightmares and my efforts to increase my good dreams, and maybe to share a few of my more interesting/funny ones. Why should that be lumped in with aliens and ghosts and shit? No offence to anyone who believes in that, but it's not what I'm looking for. » Continue Reading

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dreaming of sandwiches

Category: Life

I'm trying to figure out what I can eat without waking up my girlfriend. It doesn't help that our latest grocery shop was focused more on easy dinners we can share, not individual snacks or sandwich stuff. (That was silly of me. I fucking love sandwiches.) Our floor has started creaking for some reason, so even just creeping to the kitchen will probably disturb her. She's already going to be sad t... » Continue Reading

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Shabbat for an unorthodox workaholic

Category: Religion and Philosophy

Tonight I'm doing an experiment: tricking myself into taking my day of rest by assigning myself a particularly useless task. The task? Reading terrible fanfiction. Like, really terrible fanfiction. I'm talking early-to-mid-00s Mary Sue HP badfic. There is absolutely no way I can make this productive. I will return with updates. » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

I'm pretty much the exact target audience for this site, but I can't decide what to do with that. Should I use it the way I used to use long-form blogging platforms, enjoying anonymity to make new friends based on shared interests and experiences? Should I try to get my pre-existing friends to join? How many of my interests can I share before their unique combination becomes a form of identifying ... » Continue Reading

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