So we moved houses last week. I don't really know how to feel. I like this new house and all, but I just kinda miss my old house. This has given my family and I a chance to start something new though. I have also been just sleeping instead of unpacking but I'm going to work on it today, after school that is. » Continue Reading
We have got the keys for the new house, we are gonna be moved in by thursday. I like the way the new house looks. It has an amazing back yard and the house has a small yet usable kitchen. I'm gonna miss this new house, I really am. » Continue Reading
So like today we get the keys to the house and that means that we are gonna start moving things into the new house today. I am super excited to see what the inside of the house looks like and be able to claim my room. I have been looking forward to this thing for a while. I'm gonna be able to start sleeping in the new house around thursday. I also sent over 20 items from tiktok shop to my new hous... » Continue Reading
I took so many pills yesterday. I didn't OD, don't worry. But I got so high and I am so hungover right now. It is mind blowing. I had so much fun yesterday though. I've been watching Jersey Shore for the past few hours. I am so tired and just wanna sleep. So I think I need to take a break from the pills and the weed for a little bit. JK! I'm just gonna take a break from the pills. Me and all of my... » Continue Reading
I just took a bunch of medication. I am so tired. I also smoked a lot so now I'm like balls deep into this sleep like state. I wonder what's going to happen if I fall asleep again. I fell asleep once and my mom woke me up telling me that I'm not sleeping in her room again. I feel so weird bro. » Continue Reading
I might have to go back to the mental hospital for medication monitoring. I have been having issues with my meds not working and the people that give me my meds. they don't like changing my meds so they want me to go to the hospital so they can monitor what is happening and shit. I hate going, they make me take out all of my piercings and shit. Like if I wanted to go to the hospital, I would've go... » Continue Reading
I keep having dreams about my ex. I keep having the dreams where things get a little spicy. Like in one dream he showed up and was there in my house for some reason. Then my mom found him and he was sitting at my kitchen table. During that time, somehow he ended up having some sort of band aid on his mouth. When my mom was gone I would take it off and makeout with him. I then told my friends that ... » Continue Reading
Since school has started back up, I have been missing like most of my classes. Like I've had so much stuff to do this week that I've had to miss them. I had a doctors appointment today, had a dentist appointment 3 days ago and had to go do things with my little brother. I swear I haven't done anything this week. I have been so stressed because of us moving houses. It's like no matter what school I... » Continue Reading
I keep having dreams about my ex. I am so obsessed with him, it's not even funny anymore. I am so mad that he broke up with me, like he told me he was obsessed and then turns around and breaks up with me. Like that broke me, I feel like I'm going crazy without him. I need help and I need him back. Like he only wanted me for my body and because he couldn't find someone else like me but still. I don... » Continue Reading
we found the new house that we are moving to. It's going to be around 10 minutes away from the current house but is going to be in another city. I am excited and kinda nervous for my little brother because he's moving schools. He's too young to truly understand what is happening so i hope it goes well. » Continue Reading
I want to move already. I hate the way that everybody in my house has been rushing to get things done. But yet when I want to get things done and start packing, they tell me that I need to slow down and not rush things. Like make that make sense » Continue Reading
I guess things have been looking up for me. I went and looked at another house, and I think I found the one that we are moving to. I love the way it's set up and the way that all of the rooms look. I'm super excited to move now. I am going back to school soon, I am super excited for that and really want to go back. I have been so bored since school got out. I went to the mall, and have started cle... » Continue Reading