Welcome again! This is the third entry in a blog series about constructing your own layout. In this post, we will touch on the following topics for intermediates to understand: Pseudoselectors, what they are, and how to implement them. The transition property and how to use it. Keyframe animations: how to create them and use them to add dynamic » Continue Reading
This is the second entry in a blog series about constructing your own layout. In this post, we will touch on the following topics for intermediates to understand: Display types, what they accomplish, and when to use each one. What the position property does, how to use it, and what it can accomplish. How you can use them in your layout-b » Continue Reading
Since the layout section has been closed indefinitely, I have taken it upon myself to start a blog on how to construct your own layouts. This first entry will cover the following topics for people in between a beginner and an intermediate to understand: How to set up an IDE and the benefits of it. Using browser developer tools to expedite development. Understanding CSS specificity. Once you unders... » Continue Reading
Hello! This is a smaller blog series explaining how to create certain effects for your profile. This is a pretty simple effect to pull off, but it looks really good with the right patterns and backgrounds! This will be focusing on maki » Continue Reading
Slightly east Asian logo but uses western web design. Very nice, using this post for reference of how it looks. Enjoy watching this evolve for any forward observers I guess. » Continue Reading
After being on here for 10 months in total I finally reached 1,000 views, and I'll be completely honest and say I never expected this to happen this early. » Continue Reading
Recently, I have been wondering why every layout I see seem to all look the same. At first, I thought people were lazy and just didn't push the bounds of what was in front of them. But then I stumbled across the guides people wrote for CSS and... Yeah no wonder these are the layouts that stick out... Kinda. Above are decent layouts don't get me wrong, but when this is the » Continue Reading
Due to the restriction of a certain "Embedded scripting language included in most browsers ( ) ," the most interaction you can get on your SpaceHey layout is from CSS conditional selectors ( » Continue Reading
As of May 14th, 2024 for anyone who has updated Chrome - a massive bombshell of a feature has been implemented which indirectly is relevant for SpaceHey. The new CSS anchor positioning API allows for elements to be positioned relative to other elements, but the awesome thing is this allows for elements to break free of their bounding box with the use of absolute positioning while also allowing the... » Continue Reading
If you view my profile, you can see that I have a custom layout that I made myself over the course of a month. I have it set up where I have the primary stylesheet for the general look of it, and then once I'm fully done editing that, I will move on to making my own edits for my profile. The thing I'm wondering is if anyone actually wants to use this layout themselves, or should I just not waste m... » Continue Reading
One thing really bothering me right now is the fact that despite being really talented, I cannot find anyone to mentor. I have been looking on this site for a while, but I just have not seen anyone else interested in web development. The idea came to mind after I showed off some of my work to my friends, all of them reacted positively and it gave me the idea to possibly mentor somebody interested ... » Continue Reading
So, ever since I published my other blogs, I have been working on an improved layout compared to the one I have now. The blog post I wrote which reflected on my current one is still up, and since then I found a design pattern I am really happy with and here are the results so far: Now there's a really nice looking banner with all your important info, also in view is the blog section which is very ... » Continue Reading