In January 1969, the Beatles spent the whole month in two studios on the "Get Back" project which would later become the 1970 album Let It Be . On January 10th, after quite an excruciating session with multiple takes of "Get Back" and "Two of Us" (excluding Paul's piano moments before these), George Harrison would leave the band unexpectedly. Now his motivations can be traced to quite a few things... » Continue Reading
How long has it been since it got hacked? What, a week? I mean, you can still use the wayback machine but honestly I prefer to browse the main site, which is still not up as of me writing this. Truly the greatest temporary loss of the disinformation age... » Continue Reading
i haven't really posted here in a bit because there's not a lot i feel like putting into text in regards to "classic vs modern internet culture" since then. i feel like i've spoke my mind about the surge of pure negativity in this modern iteration, questioning what it really means when people say "old internet", and whatever the point in "revival of a bygone era" was supposed to be. and right now ... » Continue Reading
you read the darndest things in those top blogs don't you? but i guess that's just how it's always been since most people flocked here somebody should make some spacehey drama generator thats completely built off of both previous present and random drama and see which one comes back or continues or begins that would be funny » Continue Reading
I write things. I write things about the internet, on the internet. Occasionally I write about the band No, Really, but I save most of it for my youtube channel. This specific blog is about my writings on internet history and communities from before, and what I have learned in the months since I've begun posting blogs in similar vain to "how the hell did we get here?" and "The Modern Internet and ... » Continue Reading
PREFACE: hi, i'm romanda. i (occasionally) write things that are smarter than i usually am. if you are someone who likes to be mean online, this is a blog about you. i'm giving you the time to write your silly little comment berating me before you've even read this blog or clicking off and going about your day being mean to others. i'm not complaining or sighing at you, it's... how you say? "just ... » Continue Reading
It's April 1st, you know what that means? That's right, Time to listen to Avery Island/April 1st , you dolt. Or for the sheep, it's "April Fools Day", whatever that is. And from my time on investigating internet cultures it seems that this "holiday" or whatever it is has brought with it many events for places around the internet. Whether it be » Continue Reading
Just something fun, we like to have fun, right? Unless we don't, then this is the most unfun collection ever. Just for you. Blur - 13 (1999) [Promo Copy] Caravan Palace - Gangbusters Melody Club (2024) Chameleon Circuit - Chameleon Circuit (2009) - Still Got Legs (2011) NOTE: Remember Time Lord Rock? Why don't people make niche genres for nerdy fandoms anymore? Co » Continue Reading