Hello all!!! Haven't written in a while but I just wanted to today. If you're wondering if I enjoyed myself at that emo nite like I was talking about in the other ramble, it was okay... not the best though! It only got good towards the end when the DJs started playing the bigger bands. Beforehand they were just playing a lot of poppy 2010s metalcore that me and my friends weren't that into. I wis... » Continue Reading
Hello again, I'm pretty bored and haven't had much work to do at the moment so I wanted to talk about what's going on. Yesterday was a great day for me - probably one of the best of the year because of how everything just fell into place so calmly. Replaced my laptop charger after dealing with the faulty default one I'd been using for years, it was the first consistently sunny day in ages and a ... » Continue Reading
Hello everyone! Felt like writing a little entry today. I'm back at university again, it's a new semester, a new project, new everything. I made sure I was on time and present for my first class and I feel way more organized with this project than the last one I worked on. I'm actually kind of excited. While on my break I rehearsed a new song with a friend that I'm really hyped to start bringing... » Continue Reading
New Zealand is not often known for having incredible weather, ESPECIALLY not recently! We've been out here suffering from rain that has led to flooding bad enough to be considered a natural disaster. Because of this, any day when the weather is beautiful and the sky doesn't look like it's threatening to pour down again and maybe even stay that way for another day is an incredible achievement! Lat... » Continue Reading
Hello!!! I made this account to connect with some friends I'd just made, but also to promote my music in a way that makes me feel very cool and old school! I don't have much to say right now, but how are you? - Edie :) » Continue Reading