Life feels so stagnant. I am 20. I feel the ugliest and worst I have ever been. But I also feel like I am currently the best version of myself to exist. Fuck a teenage coming of age story, we need a young adult being thrown into the world for the first time story. This seems like a more universal experience. If it sucks for everyone why hasn't anything been done to help us. IDK, it'll only get wor... » Continue Reading
Life is so infuriating. being an adult is just one big scam. there are no systems to help me, everything "made" to help those in need is a scam. capitalism is a scam. landlords are inherently evil. how do these people in power just get away with toying with human rights like this. and the thing is i'm doing everything i can on my side. i know my rights. i know when people are trying to take advant... » Continue Reading
I think I am gonna start blogging here as a way to get my thoughts out and to share them, even if no one sees - it's somehow better than keeping them to myself. So this past year my life has been hectic and stressful. It is basically my first full year as an adult. I have been surviving on my own for awhile, but now I have bills lol. I have also been struggling heavily with my mental illnes » Continue Reading