This might be updated a few times but oh well, Do NOT Interact if you are 1. 13- 2. 21+ 3. Homophobic 4. Racist 5. Be sexual with me 6. Just a biggot in-general 7. The type to spam constantly in DMs if I haven't answered you (I promise I will eventually) 8. Just trying to cause trouble, I have not gotten into drama yet and I'd like to keep it that way 9. Sensitive to rough topics like sh, bad mind... » Continue Reading
The cops came LMAO #Thankgod They like literally found my dead daughter in the back, but like who really cares #yolo UWU OMG REMIND ME TO NEVER GIVE MY COMPUTER TO MY FRIENDS AGAIN- actually me » Continue Reading
I like accidently drove my car into a ditch AHAHAHHA lol #truetotheheart. Can anyone call a tow truck or the cops? I like don't have any internet LOL XD RAWR! #Literallymylife » Continue Reading