today I want to talk about a very impotant topic whiich is mental health. I am myself struggling with my mental health and I want to share some of my tipps and tricks that really helped me. Since I struggle a lot with getting motivated to do things one thing that really helps me to get shit done is to force myself. That might sounds stupid and kinda cruel but hear me out. If you really need to ta... » Continue Reading
Yesterday started pretty okay, I was driving home from a friends place and saw all the flowers growing. Then I remembered that I saw a tt of someone cooking different things out of flowers so I decidet to just go out and collect some. This is was a very weird expirience for me since if I am going to be totally honest I never really leave my house alone unless I am headed somewhere to meet others.... » Continue Reading
recently I have this thing were I randomly feel a lot of emotions at the same time. this wouldnt be that big of a problem if they weerent litteral opposite emotions. today before going to school I already realised that its gonna be a shitty day I walked to my bus station and tears just randomly came rolling down my cheeks, like I was bawling in the middle of the street but then a secont later I st... » Continue Reading
Okay hear me out I know that this sounds absolutely crazy and I might am but thats not the point. When me and my ex met like a year ago they started to get into whichcraft and stuff like that and even tried to do a lovespell on me without my consent. Anyway recently I really attract bad luck which normally isnt the case. I drank molding drinks twice, always have the side wit the zip of my blanked ... » Continue Reading