ZOMBO it is just this guy talking about this 'awesome website' that is zombo .com, it's kinda funny I think chihuahuaspin.com self explanatory froggytime.com self explanatory WINDOWS93 its... a thing haha. can mostly be described as vaporwave heaven. » Continue Reading
i dont post often but i wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween anyways. i dont exactly know where to post this but i thought since halloween is kindof like a party ill put it here and also im going to a friends halloween party tomorrow. » Continue Reading
i might take a picture of it and post it tomorrow, but i put the lid on it to protect it from gross stuff, but in doing that i had ruined the frosting carrot i had put a little more effort into making (the lid smeared the frosting) :l ..... lol but it looks pleasing other than that, to me at least, and i would admit i am proud of my work :) i hope only good things happen tomorrow » Continue Reading
If you feel bad about something you should take a moment to relax and reel yourself in. Take deep breaths and remember that everything will be okay as long as you rely on your intuition and gut. » Continue Reading