Yeah so I'm a Floridian and the hurricane hit last night, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but still. I went walking around the lake by my house and saw a cat, there was also a lot of mushrooms, usual stuff. Muuushrooomms Muuuuuushhhroooooooms » Continue Reading
so im sorry i haven't been here much, i haven't been on my computer much anyways. but regardless! i like writing so i wanna tell a story about this guy that we'll call ken, like ken katayanagi from scott pilgrim. so i met ken and we became friends, then the next day he almost killed himself, pretty heavy stuff, but i tolerated it. then i developed feelings for ken, THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING GOES DO... » Continue Reading
i tried to put them on imgur but it didn't work so i had to put them all on a deactivated tumblr count has been like halfed, but its been replaced with userboxes that im not too keen on.... » Continue Reading
so i have this friend right? we'll call her billie, and billie is really nice, and i kinda have a crush on her, but the problem is i dont know how to tell her, and if she doesn't feel the same it might ruin our friendship, so im just kinda stuck crushing.. EDIT: !! her brother knows!! also shes 17!!!! » Continue Reading
i don't know, but i surely have too many. anyway recently i've been really into phantom of the opera and its kinda scary because i didnt really think i'd like it so anyway add that to the list of andrew lloyd webber musicals im definitely normal about..i don't know what category thingy to put this under, ive just been using the blogging one but idk » Continue Reading