my ex boyfriend, lies, and the walking dead

so im sorry i haven't been here much, i haven't been on my computer much anyways. but regardless! i like writing so i wanna tell a story about this guy that we'll call ken, like ken katayanagi from scott pilgrim. so i met ken and we became friends, then the next day he almost killed himself, pretty heavy stuff, but i tolerated it. then i developed feelings for ken, THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING GOES DOWNHILL! he liked me back and we started dating,

we weren't very healthy, his mother didn't like our relationship, she said i wasn't good for him, and i really wasn't. something about ken was that he's a dissociative identity disorder system, and that means his brain split into multiple peices to deal with trauma, fun stuff. but anyway, he liked the walking dead, and he developed a part from the walking dead, his name was daryl. he was a nice guy, he tolerated me, but the thing was.

daryl lied to me.

it was very minor but regardless, daryl told me he was british, and what was i gonna do? not believe him? i don't know any better, so i did

but then i watched the entirety of the walking dead: daryl dixon and i found out HE ISNT EVEN BRITISH DARYL FUCKING LIED WHAT THE HELL??????????????

so anyways

i then proceeded to find out i was getting used for nudes by ken and i teamed up with one of kens friends, we'll call them patel, and now im in love with patel but i haven't told them i will update you all, have a good daayy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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