My Music Journey [p1]
Category: Music
I've found that I really enjoy Snake River Conspiracy and the Toadies. I like the layer of mud that is just sitting on top of them. » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
I've found that I really enjoy Snake River Conspiracy and the Toadies. I like the layer of mud that is just sitting on top of them. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
by the definition of goth (music based subculture) 🚬 is goth. and remembering mall goth exists... god... godd..... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I missed my dosage the past 2 weeks and have been dealing with crazy moods (mostly depression) and like a total lack of appetite and here after taking it a few hours ago now I'm starving. absolutely wild how that is common sense and yet it escaped my mind that it was an underlying cause (bc I was too depressed to be able to do my dose). » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Our D&D group planned to meet today as of last week, but we still don't have a time or place ironed out. And I get that like everyone kind of has me as the person that plans these things, but I've been busy so ive not been able to until yesterday. I started bringing it up yesterday cuz no one had said anything yet, and like. I've not gotten like really any answers of when ppl will be available or ... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I was trying to train someone on smth in our team lead room and this person was eating fucking chips and like. It doesn't really matter if they chew with their mouth closed or not (they weren't) but I wanted to fucking run out of that fucking room so bad, and the fact I couldn't like just put in earbuds or cover my ears like subtlety made me want to kill myself or someone else for real I'm so twit... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
long time no see! as usual, work has been killing me lol, but it's not been that bad. but it's just been what has been eating up my time. my obsession with Volker has still been going strong. he's my little meow meow and I want to ea » Continue Reading