THIS IS FILLED WITH LIES. My name is Arnold and I am a 9th grade student. When this movie came out I was so excited for high school. the singing, dancing, random burst into song, low key fire dance numbers, and so on. BUT LO AND BEHOLD HIGH SCHOOL » Continue Reading
hey yall does anyone here like phantom of the opera, sweeney todd, les mis, or any other musicals?? i reeeeeeeeally want some more musical lover friends!!! » Continue Reading
So… we all know fnaf is a complicated rabbit hole (quite literally) of dead children and British rabbits. But why? And how, and when? And most of all, WHAT ORDER?? Well my friends, there is no simple explanation, and no true explanation. Only one person knows truly what happens, and I’m pretty at sure at this point he doesn’t even know. So here’s my personal view on the more common known part of t... » Continue Reading