Category: Friends
im honestly kinda bored and wanna message people but im too scared to initiate it i just wanna talk to people » Continue Reading
"being an insufrable little shit"
Age 21,he/they, speaks English, from the Netherlands
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Category: Friends
im honestly kinda bored and wanna message people but im too scared to initiate it i just wanna talk to people » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I've been thinking for a bit if I should stay with no kind of identity here or if I should share my other social media here Idk if I really should since I already did some random blogs here that will probably make people think badly of me I may be over thinking this kind of stuff but with the amount of stupid shit and none important things people gotten cancelled over kinda makes me feel like I s... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Category: Blogging
Trigger warning! Fucking hate being sick Cuz of my reflux problems it always makes having a cold a living hell to the point of fricking coughing blood Cuz my throat is already messed up I despise having a cold » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Ait don't take the shit I'm about to write too seriously I heard some people consider the ocean to be a soup If the ocean is a soup then the human body is a stew What is the deal with Karen's like how do they manage to get a stick so up their ass that they have to make it everyone's problems like wtf Is a zebra black with white strips or white with black strips I still » Continue Reading
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