They say that there's nothing worse than being alone in a room full of people. How about being alone in a world of 7 billion people. With no one to care, and those who do only to stop after realizing you're too lost inside yourself for anyone to find you. » Continue Reading
A blue dress, a beautiful smile. A blue dress, makes a heart feel worthwhile. A blue dress, beautiful in its color and complexity. A blue dress, it was simply meant to be. A blue dress, with leggings underneath. A blue dress, black boots to make it look chic. A blue dress, with bracelets as accessories. » Continue Reading
I want to fly away. Not to a place far away. But a place of mind so different from my current one it'll consume me like air fills lungs, to contrast the constant suffocation of water. My wishes long to be fulfilled but are merely grains of sand in a desert. Beautiful in its vast hopelessness. So intricate and painful that it's the perfect art to a symphony of never-ending grief. To ever hope a wis... » Continue Reading
I love you like a dog loves it's owner. Unconditionally. Chasing, following, listening to orders, and trapped in the same place but limited to interaction. When my owner is away I cry and cry. Running from thunder clouds that exist solely cause my owner made them knowing I cant control the weather. A dog who knows not the warmth of love. But the reflection of love. Cold. Alone. Tired. » Continue Reading
You ever wake up and realize how little you matter. But instead of dwelling on it you're like, "Cool". It saddens you to just exist for the sole reason of existence. Animals are born and live life with some biological instructions built in like a life feature we humans can just throw away and change. I want to escape from this skin I was born into. I want that life I see in surrounding me almost e... » Continue Reading
Why is silence the perfect isolation chamber and most motivating thing pushing us forward while also holding us back? (idk lol im just making beads and being alone with my thoughts :3) » Continue Reading