Hey all, Mason here. I made a new account originally used for another project but I am now merging the two projects, so I will be moving future activity to there. The link to my new account is here. I will leave this account up for archival purposes, so old posts will still be visible. Feel free to add me over on the other account! That's all for now. » Continue Reading
Hey y'all, I have updated the General Programming of RADIO STONICLE to be a combo of the Morning, Daytime, and Evening playlists previously played. Listen to RADIO STONICLE here . Also I started a new job as a security guard (thankfully not at CEC, hehe) today so that's cool, might blog on that more later. Anyways, that's all for now. -MP » Continue Reading
Hey all, I found some old videos of mine by looking at one of my old YouTube channels on the Web Archive... found some interesting stuff that I will be posting in the next few days. Here's the YT playlist the vids will be going to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc_yTidy3POHfbnHxaOJ_Ad5w0SQM4RjY » Continue Reading
Hello again Internetians, So I have another playlist I used to sleep to, it's mainly psychedelic rock, and I figured it may help others sleep so I figured I'd share it. Here's the track listing for the playlist I used to sleep to (these are just individual tracks, not full albums): The Bea » Continue Reading
Hello Internetians, tonight I'm going to share my current sleep playlist track listing. WARNING: I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW I SLEEP TO IT CUZ IT'S ALL HIGH ENERGY MUSIC WHICH SEEMS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE BUT WORKS SOMEHOW?? Ok here's the list (full albums are consolidated to just the album and artist name): Live Without - Liars Reign (album) Live » Continue Reading
2 Random Dumb Facts/Stories about me #1 When I was a little kid, I thought penguins were like 6 feet tall. It wasn't till I went to the Moody Gardens aquarium in Galveston TX when I was 3 that I learned the disappointing truth. When I was 5 there were these bullies chasing me on the playground and I hid behind a trashcan and opened it when they came near and a swarm of flies flew out and got all o... » Continue Reading
Hey folks, so I launched an internet radio thing that you can hear at stonicle.com/radio, and I need ideas to fill the schedule. Everyday at 3PM I intend to have an interruption in the programming that is just very arbitrary, such as on Tuesdays we have the "Dead Spider Rave", a rave for the dead spider I saw on the floor at my grandma's just 2 weeks ago. But I'm having trouble filling 3PM of ever... » Continue Reading
Well, well, I have a new project that will last me until next year. I'm gonna make mixdiscs for each moth of this year, each disc will be made at the close of the month as a reflection on what I was listening to that month. I started in December of 2022 and I'm going to do this till I finish December 2023's disc. If you're curious as to what is on my mixdisc for December, here's the track listing ... » Continue Reading
Finally got a new computer, so that's cool! In January I plan on announcing a game I've been working on that I'm quite proud of (it's not a new idea, it's a 40-year-old game style but I'm proud to have made a version of it). Anyways, I'm also planning on launching an internet radio station with random junk by me broadcast 24/7. We'll see how that goes, hehe. I'll keep updating here, stay tuned. An... » Continue Reading
Hey guys, I just moved back to Beaumont TX after dropping school due to stress, my old computer died, and Christmas is approaching! Hopefully I'll be able to get a new computer soon, but first I need to find me a job to get money. Also unfortunately now that I have moved I can't film the elevators of SFASU nor can I add new elevators to my Elevator Simulator based on SFASU. As I previously said, I... » Continue Reading
Hey guys Mason here. Here's the link to the Stonicle.com standalone blog's old posts. https://stonicle.com/blog/archives/index.html Enjoy! -MP » Continue Reading
Hey guys, Mason here. So Twitter is probably about to die so I'm going to be here and on Twitter (https://twitter.com/stoniclecom) as well, and if Twitter does die, I'll move back here. So yeah, that's fun. Anyways, update time. I am moving out of Nacogdoches TX. I have dropped out of college here at SFA because I have found it just isn't for me. I'm probably going to move to Hemphill TX, I have ... » Continue Reading