ok so I've gotten super tired of my music taste lately and I need so new music!! yes I still enjoy most of my favorite songs but I've literally only been listening to character playlists lmao. plzz give me song recommendations!!! » Continue Reading
ok ive seen many mixed views on this i just wanna know! like im pretty sure its ok cuz sometimes some people arent able to go see a doctor and if they have done research and stuff about the thing their self diagnosing and have all the reasons listed. plzz let me know what you think!! cuz ive done my research and im pretty sure i have bipolar 1, many people have it in my family etc. » Continue Reading
ok so i used to really like super bright colours and glitchcore n stuff but now whenever i look at stuff like that it makes me sick. i dont know if thats normal probably just me tho. » Continue Reading
i cant decide what layout i want but ik i want it to be green related. but its so hard to decide omg. give me any suggestions plzzzzz » Continue Reading
Hiya! Im not new but this is a new account, i deleted my old account so i can start fresh. I will most likely post about gotham realated stuff cuz im currently obbsessed over it! Im also a horriable speller so sorry about that lol. » Continue Reading