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Texas‚tall but short‚weird

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gay taking pills

Category: Blogging

I'm feeling homosexual and evil today.Anyways I just took my pills and they taste like sh!t what the hell>:( » Continue Reading

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hiiiiii guyyyyyyys

Category: Life

soo school has started, my sleep is slowly getting better! Next week I get to choose what i'm gonna be doing for fine arts so id like to know what you guys are doing and how you like it!!!!I no longer have to be in class with my toxic EX friends and my teachers call me Amoy now(the name i chose for myself cause im trans) anyways guys im gonna spend more time watching videos and stuff cause its sti... » Continue Reading

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im dead still xD

Category: Blogging

idk what to do anymore, I kinda just wasted my whole summer but I ordered some things on amazon so that's really cool. I came out to my mom as trans a few days ago and it went really well, my only friend left from school was also supporting me as well, her name is Vianey and she's really different from me but somehow we are the same person lol. Enough about the good stuff, is anyone else scared fo... » Continue Reading

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my stepdad has been gone a lot and its getting weird

Category: Blogging

ok so yesterday the power went off, my stepdad was not home and my mom said he was at the game vault cause they have a chess night. I have not left my room today beside going to the bathroom and taking out my dog coco but I have not seen him in awhile,idk if he's going to work still but im really confused no matter what is going on. I went to barns and noble yesterday and i got books  and also a f... » Continue Reading

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going on a trip soon

Category: Blogging

 ok so my mom said that in about like 10 days we are going to Las Vegas because my stepdad has this chess thing? idk but also we are gonna see some family.im like in a rush to download all the videos I can cause after my road trip I had idk if it will have wifi.anyways have a nice day guys!!!! » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

ok soo my mom is like planning all these thingz for summer and I'm kinda excited to do them but also not, I'm not always doing different things in general but im ready to them mostly for my mom but I don't always mind doing new thingz. BTW if anyone wants to chat about things like emo ,scene ,eddsworlds ,anime ,manga ,jpop ,jfashion and maybe some other thingz I'm really down too cause the last da... » Continue Reading

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im alive

Category: Blogging

hey guy sry for being inactive :c ,anyway's its my last weekend till the last week of school!!!!I'm super excited cause i'm dropping all my terrible "friends" and me and my family are going to Vegas!!!!!!! schools should already be done but I guess I can just wait till we can finally leave, i'm totally confused why we are still in school but its always been like this at my schools:/ anyways bye gu... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

I've been really bored lately even tho it's the weekend, I was thinking of trying this thing I saw from tikok where they found a way to put Ao3 on a calculator!Idk if I'll do it with Ao3 cause I wonder if I could do it with other websites but I still have to ask my parents to take me out to the store.Anyways I hope school's been good for you guys cause it's been TERRIBLE for me,I literally hate it... » Continue Reading

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new kid at school!

Category: School, College, University

ok so during the day a new girl came to our class! she seems super nice and sweet, nicer then the last time we had a new student. I havent had the time to talk to her due to all the work I have and that we don't sit at the same table but I hope one of my friends that has already spoke to her can tell her about me and we can become friends!I also hope that my friend could also ask her about discord... » Continue Reading

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going to school

Category: School, College, University

ok so i'm going back to school tomorrow sense my spring break is ending, ofc I knew this was gonna happen soon but I don't think i'm ready to back yet. One reason is because over the break one of my friends that I had on discord suddenly got mad at me cause I called her annoying, I know that does seem kinda rude but then she called my a black country bumpkin and then the hard r(nword). She has sai... » Continue Reading

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Category: Books and Stories

so I was thinking a of writing a fanfic where its like my own characters replacing the main characters, but the main characters still exits but there like backround characters now .Almost as if were just seeing the lives of the backround characters .I its kinda cringe but why not, i'm still wondering where to write it tho I might to it on ao3 but I can't show how the characters look, but i don't m... » Continue Reading

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my day at school

Category: School, College, University

I was just trying to do my work with everybody in our group but the two girls were just playing around,one even broke my pencil when she was trying to take it out of my hand like what!?even yesterday in a different class the other kids in my group were just fighting,and the girl who broke my pencil was talking bad about one of the other girls family and made her cry. She always has to ruin someone... » Continue Reading

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