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friends anything idk
Category: Friends
Does anyone want to talk and be friends? I'm 15 so don't be weird please, yea I don't know we could talk about whatever :3 » Continue Reading
"listening to music"
im 15
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— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Friends
Does anyone want to talk and be friends? I'm 15 so don't be weird please, yea I don't know we could talk about whatever :3 » Continue Reading
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— 2 Comments— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
ok but like who likes school? my friends think I'm insane for liking school but tbh if I didn't have it I think I would go crazy. like it keeps me busy and out of the house, and both of those things are great. anyways that's it kinda just writing theses blogs as journal entry's for myself or people who relate :) » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
Do you ever feel like you're just getting worse? I've been alight for at least a year but I feel like I'm slipping into old habits :/ It's just so hard seeing people being your desired weight, so I try working out but the results aren't fast enough. So I feel like I'm just going back to starving myself...Food just looks like mold and bugs, idk if that's normal or not :// I don't know if anyone wi... » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 3 Kudos
Category: Friends
reasons why you should friend me :3 1. ur cool, im cool, so we should be besties like rn >:3 2. what's the worst that could happen? 3. theres no such thing as to many friends!! » Continue Reading