Guys guess what, im the baddest bitch ever. Also ive gotten in a program that'll help me get a job as a dentist assistant. Isnt that fun? Im excited to make money and finally be able to buy shit. That'll be nice but whats the best is that it'll go on my record that i had a medical job before even graduating. The colleges are going to be so impressed with me. Its a class at usc so actually im a usc... » Continue Reading
Hey pretties, today is like so lame. My mom forgot to give me 20 bucks so me and my friend could go to the gas station nearby, but it's OK because I have this credit card and I could use it on the vending machines 😁😚🤑😏🤤. Lately though I've been really slacking on my near years resolution of being a skinny legend and been eating sporadically. I only had 2 bags of baked hot cheetos and a Gatorade ze... » Continue Reading
Hey pretties, so today's friday the day me and my friends were supposed to exchange gifts for secret Santa but our friend ruby is being kinda weird lately everyone else is normal but she's been spreading rumors about me and my bestie julissa. Anyways TGIF another day another slay » Continue Reading
Me and my best friend julissa both made spacehey accounts because it's very fetch but we made our accounts like super weird in spirit of the 2000s y2k bimbo Era, but as I'm detailing now and as she did on her blog we aren't like this irl. Although this is true you can message me to fund out how I am like and maybe you see 2000s y2k bimbo vibes from me. » Continue Reading