update on the piercing topic! i didn´t get a labret bc the piercer (who looked like ghostmane) cleared me up about it and that it can damage your teeth and i did´t want that so i got a basic nostril but i really love it and when it heals i´ll put cool black jewelry in i just ask myself if i can smoke now or not » Continue Reading
i have a bf who i met on the internet and he really wants to facetime but im so anxious. my mother language is not english and what if he doesnt understand me and the whole thing just gives me so anxiety tf!? what can i talk about i dont want this to get cringe but ik ill have to step out of my comfort zone once. aaaa i need to be more brave and like fun fact: we do a lot of sexting and stuff i re... » Continue Reading
okay i really want to get a side labret piercing (like snakebites but only on one side) and my parents kinda agreed on it but they made me overthink my decision. Does anyone have any experience with it? » Continue Reading
unpopular opinion but cactuses are fcking overrated and they´re not cute (i fell into one 2 days ago and the spikes are still in my hand help) » Continue Reading