Top 5 animes I've watched this month (All on Funimation)
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
1.Serial Experiments Lain 2.Bungo Stray Dogs 3.Sasaki and Miyano 4.Life lessons with uramichi oniisan 5.Ensemble Stars (also a videogame) » Continue Reading
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
1.Serial Experiments Lain 2.Bungo Stray Dogs 3.Sasaki and Miyano 4.Life lessons with uramichi oniisan 5.Ensemble Stars (also a videogame) » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Omggg bro I start school on the 17th but also I have to go to my school on the 9th to help set up orientation and I have to show new kids around my school on the 10th and 11th. Kinda regretting becoming a W.E.B. leader but hey there'll be free food at least. » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Omg I just finished reading the new manga chapter for Bnha or Mha and wtff is Bakugo dead fr?? Their prob gonna bring him back or sm but like does this mean plot amour doesn't exist anymore and what does that mean for all the other characters?? Anyway I can't wait to see if Izuku will go batshit or not. Tbh I was kinda praying on his downfall ngl, but hey Izuku will get more character development ... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Heyyy so I need friends if you like Fanf, voltron or genshin or the Percy Jackson series hit me up 💪🏼 » Continue Reading