it's been a year, and I have longer hair now and more piercings. Lost some friends but gained a new one and now have an interest in someone. I've been reading more and now trying to be more family-oriented, my outfits haven’t been the best :(, I got a new job that I've always wanted to be in, I do miss my old job and my old coworkers, still trying to get along with my new ones but everyone there i... » Continue Reading
Does anyone else feel like they don't know what they are doing in school, like the minute you stand on campus you have no idea why you are there and feel like you are wasting time and money on something you think is not worth your time and get very overwhelmed with not knowing why you are not motived to want more for yourself and I'm not doing good and I am just struggling mentally to care and I f... » Continue Reading
I have a lot of clothes but it never feels enough to make myself feel content because there are so many styles and ideas for outfits that I wanna do and I don't have the space or money for more clothes so now I'm just cutting up stuff » Continue Reading
soup is my one of my personal favorite go to foods on any day but there is one thing you can not do is have your soup lukewarm that is just wrong and I'm only talking about soup that is made hot because I know there is some that are served cold but that is not for me personally so HOT soup is the way to go. » Continue Reading