Part of the reason why I struggle to use this site is because I learned CSS for myspace93. I bet everyone else did too. I've been trying to mess with existing themes to get the hang of it, like I did with myspace93, but I can't get anything to look right. Does anybody have a *blank* template, which houses the NAMES OF THE PAGE ELEMENT S, so I can thoroughly theme it? I just need a foundation to ... » Continue Reading
I'm royally pissed off. 600 tweets a day (the majority of which you don't actually read, but just show up on your timeline, INCLUDING ADS) is the maximum he says "temporary" HOW LONG? this is company-austerity, the inevitable result of a business model which is impossible to make profit from, but he will try anyways » Continue Reading
I've been busy in the past few months, but I want to get to know more people on spacehey. I'm a refugee from when myspace93 got shut down. I really loved that site, it was one of the only places I could be myself. I also love your guy'ses (however you spell it) site. I've been recently doing a lot of things, mostly finishing credit recovery for some old failed classes » Continue Reading
Currently, as we speak, there is a risk of pure, unadulterated young men in America, Canada, and some Western European nations becoming drafted into a war, like all modern day wars, designed primarily to enrich the capitalist classes. They will tell you that Putin recognizing the pseudo-independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, or annexing Crimea, is the same thing as Hitler taking Sudetenland, however... » Continue Reading
A specter is haunting the left, where many believe that they should be like "Vaush", and uncritically support NATO in their expansionism into Ukraine (breaking their own agreement), and others who believe they should throw their hands behind Putin's goons in their opposition to that. The truth is, neither is worth supporting, this is an INTER-IMPERIALIST BATTLE. The Donetsk and Luhansk people's re... » Continue Reading
I am a refugee of windows93 myspace. I desperately must learn how to make my page not just display the code in plaintext, and actually run it. What must I change about it, as you can clearly see it. Thanks. » Continue Reading