It has beeen a hot minute snese ive been on here!!!!! Been so busy with house work and work 😫 loads of baby sitting. I started writting again. My car broke down so thats a bummer. Been super stressed about litterally everything. » Continue Reading
kidna annoying how my own family will make a fake snapchat account just to see what i will say or post or what not. like they dead ass pretend to be a male to see what i will do. what the actual fuck! its hella funny too i tested it out u know cause everytime i snapped this so called person a pic of the floor a family members phone kept going off and this family member tells everyone that i am ju... » Continue Reading
People keep hacking my shit and just wont leave me the f alone. someone hacked into my amazon and changed litterally all my shit and they have been using kindel reading from my account which i do not have at all. i will be refunded its just super annoying, bro it was an iphone 7 from iraq what the hell??!! » Continue Reading