Category: Life
hello guysss >_ < i was wondering if anyone has any skincare tips or products that do some special good for open pores? my pores have always been huge and im just tiiired of it!!! :(( » Continue Reading
"first lady of juicy couture"
he/him, 20yo
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Life
hello guysss >_ < i was wondering if anyone has any skincare tips or products that do some special good for open pores? my pores have always been huge and im just tiiired of it!!! :(( » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Art and Photography
lately it's been getting harder and harder to get art done,, idk if its because im not on my adhd meds anymore or im just burnt out but nothing seems to look good anymore :(( its especially hard cuz i also work off of my art and need to promote it so going without posting for like over a month harms me on my exposure and makes it harder for people and newe » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
DNI: ☆ ZOOS ☆ P3DOS ☆ HOMOPHOBES AND/OR TRANSPHOBES ☆ RACIST ☆ LOLI/SHOTACON (idgaf if they're fictional you're still getting off to depictions of children) ☆ ANYONE WHO SLUTSHAMES ☆ ED STUFF ☆ TCC (if you romaticize murderers or criminals GTFO!!!) ☆ DREAM STANS ☆ MYSOGINISTS ☆ BYF: ☆ I'm a nonbinary, latin adult who's very femenine but goes by he/him, if ur not willing to respect any of that don... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Like im literally just trying to get good make up and its always sooo expensive!! same with skincare, if not worse!! X(( » Continue Reading