edgy people love to say shit like "ur so mad im making u so mad ur so triggered" but also get angry when people like are mad???? its like that post of the dude using the f*g word and then crying about how everyones so soft and getting mad and how they need to grow up, but purposely doing shit to make people mad its like theyre stuck in a loop idk what they even want » Continue Reading
today i woke up sick as a dog and usually i don't get sick so it was weird, ive been sick the last couple days because everyone in my house (mom, dad, sister) all work in the hospital and usually bring things like that home. anyone know any home remedies for like a really bad mucus-y cough? also i havent posted here in foreva mainly because i forgot my password xD and i dont know how 2 talk to pe... » Continue Reading
im back n betta then ever im playin travel lax rn for my team and its been good i got back into pokemon go and im trying to get a shiny if you got any tips lmk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » Continue Reading
im getting a job soon to make some money!! >:) i am applying for either the grocery store near me or a fast food job @_@ which one should i do? the pay is the same both places but i dont think a restaurant will be as busy all day but a grocery store is usually busy everyday or atleast the one near me. anyone have any cool work tips or ideas? thanks!! » Continue Reading
being stuck i am in highschool right now and i flunked my first year (freshman year or year 9 however you call it) because i ddint think i wanted to go to college but now i really want to because my sister told me how great it was and i saw her graduation and it made me want to succeed and do something with my life but at the same time im doing nothing to change my circumstances but i dont really... » Continue Reading