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wuddup im reila im 9teen and i nvr f'in learned how to read

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Anger Managment

Category: Blogging

Sometimes I feel like im going insane, but insane enough to know to keep my sanity because it's not like the insane where you think you're sane, but insane that you know enough to look sane and that seems even worse because its almost manipulative??? But also it's kinda the type of thing where you're not actually insane because actually being insane, like a psychopath, is something else entirely. ... » Continue Reading

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Birthday Cake Timbits

Category: Blogging

Its like I never learn my lesson.  Im pretty sure tim's changed their birthday cake timbit recipe again because this is now a combination of sugar, flour and laxatives. Maybe not laxatives, but my stomach kills itself each time I take a bite. The original recipe was the best, anyways. My friend hadnt even noticed until I pointed it out, but they had changed it so much so that it looked completely ... » Continue Reading

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