Delores and Aaron wont shut up , they are laughing ta something on aarons device , i swear when i ge my hands on them i will strangle them like a swallow , until they cannot swallow , delores wont stop laughing i swear i am losing my nuts because of this , death will be upon them , they are also going to fail their exams at this point cause they keep staring at eachother in the exams and messing a... » Continue Reading
Wilbur gave his music group lolipops and rainbow blts , how dare he , like i always walk home with him , i am very sad my poor snack. » Continue Reading
i am noe waiting outside of music and everyone is being emo , people are now being desperate ;ike now they want to see evverything like how dare they , now i am in music waiting for the teacher with my friends , wth these people crazy , people are nowpointing at me likehow dare they , i hink i am saying like too much . » Continue Reading
ray is snacking alot and aaron is laughing onoxiously and then delores is right next to me,people are being very rude , and then aaron and kai want to see my writing like hell no , liek if they do see they will be questioning wth im doing with my lifeb, im no longer really pissed and rin and now delores says they watch me sleep litlle do they know ik when they are lying , lik how dare they say tha... » Continue Reading
i am still very angry i am now using this as my personal rage wall , like im jus very passionate about sea life just nobody willl listen to me like wth like i am a very passionate persion, lile i do need to shut up but like shut up abt my hyperfixalation like how rude , i will kill anybody who gets in my way » Continue Reading
My friends wont listen to me about sea life , and one of them said its annoying , i am in a angry mood , i just really like sea life jusr nobody will listen to me , i love sea life , it is just so interesting like rn i am very pissed..... » Continue Reading