janebug (FROM HOMESTUCK!!!)

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"I wanna be famous! But I don't wanna work for it eww..."

Mage of Mind, Prospit, any prns

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1 Comment— 7 KudosPinned


Category: Life

I ramble abt anything (if im interested) i mostly ramble abt funny ass incidents that my moots talk abt but not the personal ones (u can tell i really love my moots/p) im absolutely nice like ppl pleaser nice lmao too shy sometimes too  I am LOUD as in LOUD, I sing too much if that bothers u and I vc whenever I play games bc typing in chat is exhausting 😓 as I mentioned I RAMBLE ABT ANYTHING even ... » Continue Reading

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— 13 KudosPinned

Dni (gtfo)

Category: Life

Hi, hello. This is my DNI if u fit any of these than get out DNI: Rcta/Ecta, Zionist, racist, homophobes, transphobes, ppl who support p3doz, l0licons, sh0tacons, fujoshitz, WILBUR SOOT LOVERS GET OUT (dsmp lovers ur on thin ice but sure ure welcome here), ppl who draw/write nsfw fanfics of minors, THOSE twst fans, ppl who're neutral w the Palesti » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 1 Kudos

I want a moirail tbh

Category: Life

Thats the only quadrant i probably tolerate but i do want a moirail/nf i just think its goofy (age pref is 12-14) Im probably gonna read this and say I was drunk on tiredness again ☠️☠️‼️‼️ » Continue Reading

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I forgot

Category: Life

I forgot I had zpac7h7y 💀 iv7 b77n buzy w my graduation n irl fri7ndz zmh » Continue Reading

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Acid r7flux zuckz

Category: Life

Di7z im g7tting acid r7flux rn  » Continue Reading

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Glob7 iz crazy

Category: Blogging

Lmfao i ran out of load but appar7ntly i can still uz7 chrom7 » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

I think im b7coming d7af in my l7ft 7ar iztg what iz wrong w m7 😭 » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

Lif7 iz not lifing bc i zw7ar i h7ard zom7 zoundz out my houze that i am d7f not ch7cking » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos


Category: Life

I juzt r7aliz7d im abt to go to highzchool omfg its lik7 1 month away 😞😞‼️‼️ » Continue Reading

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God fucking zhit

Category: Life

DUD7 ITZ ZO HOT H7R7 THE ZUMM7R IS LIT OV7R WHY IZ IT ZTILL HOT 😞😞😞‼️‼️‼️ » Continue Reading

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Vris FB mom

Category: Friends

Vris on th7ir FB mom 7ra iz zo funny LMFAO » Continue Reading

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Random Question lmao

Category: Music

What muzic do u guyz think Jade Harley list7nz to? » Continue Reading

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