Yeah so I heard the dreams are memories but I had a dream where my sister stabbed me and that shit felt real. Probably gonna die but that’s fine. » Continue Reading
Going to school is fun, i take the bus then the subway and then the bus again with my music in. It's the best because i'm not at school but i'm not at home. And then i get to school and want TO BANG MY HEAD INTO THE FUCKING BRICK WALL. I hate everyone and everything in school. I know i'm failing but when I look at the stuped ass work my brain just stops. AND for some fucking reason I have a 99% in... » Continue Reading
Asking for a friend..... SO my friend sit next to the person and they are very loud and smells real bad. And everyday they move closer to my friend. And you see my friend doesn't like when people get close. They with NOT SHUT THE F as my friend says.... so what should my friend do? » Continue Reading
Hi! like i said im gonna kick you in the balls i don't care if you don't have any :) Anyways do you know how to pass physics? I have a 25%.... Please help me. » Continue Reading