Well, my Facebook account is about to be closed for good. Today I have downloaded my pictures and posted my last post to let everyone that I am leaving Facebook and that they can find me on here. I will leave my Facebook account open for a week to give everyone time to see the post before closing it. Going through the pictures brought back a lot of memories though. I have had Facebook a long tim... » Continue Reading
Greeting from Chehalis, Washington, USA. I have been lazy today. I picked up a load of plastic pipes yesterday that delivers in California on Monday. So after picking up the freight, I figured I would park and take the rest of yesterday and today off and get a 34 hour break in. I will be leaving out at about 0200 tomorrow morning. I spent most of the day watching videos, playing with my dog, con... » Continue Reading
Despite state efforts, drivers have difficulty finding parking along I-5 in California and the I-95 corridor on the East Coast. Also, most states continue to report that few public facilities or spaces are being developed, while challenges exist in planning, funding and accommodating truck parking, according to FHWA. » Continue Reading
If you are told or convinced to do something unlawful or evil and you do it knowing that it is wrong, you are as guilty (and in my opinion more guilty) as the person who convinced you or told you to do it. This goes with everything from smearing someone's name to rioting to murder. The reason I say that the person who commits the act is even more guilty is that the act could have been stopped si... » Continue Reading
This blog is extremely sad and inspirational. The death of a child that Keith knows causes him to think about what is truly important in life. This is a blog that everyone needs to read. Truth, In The Eyes Of A Child » Continue Reading
The way of life in Jesus Christ is first the way of peace, second of purity, and third of love. Not only that, but the way of life in Jesus is also the way of obedience. » Continue Reading
Hello, I am new to Spacehey and an old Myspace user. I am currently looking to give up my Facebook page and switch over to Spacehey but still relearning everything. I have plans to start blogging again (as I did with Myspace) and to do the cool layouts. Needless to say, I am so glad to see Heyspace come out and bring back the Myspace fun. I am an over-the-road truck driver and the owner and fou... » Continue Reading