I am new to Spacehey and an old Myspace user. I am currently looking to give up my Facebook page and switch over to Spacehey but still relearning everything. I have plans to start blogging again (as I did with Myspace) and to do the cool layouts. Needless to say, I am so glad to see Heyspace come out and bring back the Myspace fun.
I am an over-the-road truck driver and the owner and founder of Bearden Steel Transportation. I am also a Christian and a Libertarian. So my blogs will circle around a lot of those three topics but mostly be around my travels, the trucking industry, and by beliefs. I will talk a little bit about politics but I will try my best to stay away from politics. To tell you the truth, I think everyone in office and the voters have totally gone crazy. Oh, warning, I do speak my mind and sometimes can get sensitive people triggered. lol I will do my best to keep things nice though.
You all have a good day,
The Oklahoma Tomcat
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