7/15/23 weird to think this account was only made a measly 23 days ago. super weird. this is my poor excuse to make a blog post since my last one which was roughly a week ago? crazy because it doesn't feel like a week ago. aaannnyyways. recently i slept over my best friends house, bless her soul because shit is always awesome at her house. we ended up doing some cool things like watch sk8 the inf... » Continue Reading
7/8/23 it's been a hot minute since i've posted a blog, so here i am making one. thanks for everyone who has friended me within the past month (plus those who have given me the chance to chat to.) its been genuinely super cool to know that people are.. well actually active. in a few years from now, i'll probably end up forgetting this account even existed, and my blogs will just be a fuzzy me » Continue Reading
6/27/23 so i am a very avid enjoyer of 3ds games, specifically tomodachi life. for context, for the last five months (i had to check her channel today to see when she started this bullshittery that she calls her content), but this person named kawaiibeth has just been absolutely trying to MILK the idea of "a tomodachi life game coming to the switch." now i am NOT opposed to the » Continue Reading
6/26/23 i am begging. i think users of spacehey should have the ability to like (kudos), comments. i see comments i agree to ALL THE TIME and i am not gonna lie, but it's annoying that you can only reply to comments. maybe i'm oblivous and this feature already exists, but PLEASE. please code this in. anyone else agree??? » Continue Reading
6/25/23 ill probably end up editing this blog later, but i figured i’d do my first one. ANYWAYS so smosh came back and i just wanted to talk about it because i love them. so i’ve loved smosh as long as i could remember LOL and i do like the new content they put out now, but im excited to get their older style is coming (somewhat) back. like YES OMG HOLY SHIT AAAHAHAHHA » Continue Reading