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Category: Blogging

why blogging is important to spacehey socializing (4)


it's been a hot minute since i've posted a blog, so here i am making one. thanks for everyone who has friended me within the past month (plus those who have given me the chance to chat to.) its been genuinely super cool to know that people are.. well actually active.

in a few years from now, i'll probably end up forgetting this account even existed, and my blogs will just be a fuzzy memory for people to awkwardly stalk and wonder who i was and how i am. however, this is why blogging is important to me. it's always cool to see dead accounts and read their blogs to ponder what that person is doing or how they're doing. 


anyways, this is why people need to interact more with one another on spacehey. i was never on myspace, but i could only imagine how active it was due to it's peak. the reason i think spacehey has slightly failed is because i feel as if i don't see people active enough. despite the blogs that come out, and the mass amount of random ass things that are actually posted on here, buutt whatever. 

it's still super fun to come on here and just see how people have customized their profiles and the amount of time it could've taken them to do so. i really do like spacehey and it's simplicity, but i only wish people would interact more with each other and random people.

 i really like doing this like this because of what i stated in my first paragraph-- about random people looking at my profile maybe years from now and thinking of me as some sort of time capsule to pick apart with their brain. whiccchhh is probably very unlikely due to the fact i only have a small amount of friends and treat this like a sad mothers facebook post. (this is a joke.)

as sappy as this is, i hope people actually realize how talking about random shit online is fun and could be something cringe-worthy to look back on. anyways, im gonna play rhythm thief and talk to phantom r's sweet dog, fondue, peacccee.

6 Kudos


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evelyn 🏳️‍⚧️ rebranding

evelyn 🏳️‍⚧️ rebranding's profile picture

i actually found this account JUST by clicking the random button on browse lmao, and i'm glad i did! even if for example, i never see you again or something, it was nice to just read a snippet of your viewpoint and perspective for a few moments. if i do, then that's also great, but we got to interact through our shared experience and viewpoint of the world and this small aspect of it :p (spacehey as a website). i probably wouldn't have commented on this if it didn't resonate with me, but now i got a nice lil experience to look back on. basically, i 100% agree!

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by noodle_protege; ; Report


Melcasucre's profile picture

That's how i'm trying to socialize ! Sure hope it works

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i hope it works too. T_T also please ignore my embed fail.

by noodle_protege; ; Report

Nobody see it don't worry U_U

by Melcasucre; ; Report