It's a yaoi. I think the Religion and Philosophy tag fits perfectly. Yaoi is my religion. There isn't a lot of good yaoi in this world, so on a scale of 1 to 10 on terms of yaoi, I'd rate it a 8.5 compared to others that I've seen (the best being given, which i'd rate a 10/10). But on terms of anime I've seen in general, I'd rate it a 7. After reading the manga, I now understand the strange pacing... » Continue Reading
i knew it was a dumb idea to try to talk to anyone. each time I try to be social I end up doing something totally wrong. today I thought that someone was on my friends list, so i replied to a blog of theirs, talking to them as if they were MY friend. turns out I had only sent them a friend request and it wasn't accepted yet, but my memory is so bad that i didn't even realize that they weren't on m... » Continue Reading
i hate being sick. my throat always hurts. when my throat hurts, i want to fix it, so i drink a warm drink. hot water would do fine but i hate just plain hot water. so i drink hot chocolate (i dislike coffee and tea). 150. and waffles help a lot so i ate 4 waffles. 390. and another hot chocolate. 150. i ate much more today, but i already forgot. maybe i had three glasses of hot chocolate. 150. may... » Continue Reading
hi spacehey. i'm new, and spent all day doing nothing. I cheated on my homework again. I got two assignments done. I'm one assignment behind! Online school is great xd. I wasn't even productive with writing today, so now I wanna die. I spent all day working on this crappy layout! And I didn't even make 90% of it! When I get my license I'll be more productive. I'll have a lot of fun. I'll leave thi... » Continue Reading