ive been thinking about this weird dream i had last nite so it basically involves a river with dead cats drowning @ the bottom of it and i tried to rescue them but sum1 starts talking to me & flashing slash pics from a girl that tried to khs and the voice (i suppose its a therapist) tells me her story and she also had an ed, when she was inpatient some other guys from the same mental hospital trie... » Continue Reading
duuuude jusr rewatched the movie that liiiiiterallyyy marked my childhood, i remember when i was a kid i used 2 watch it lik e 2 times a day NO KIDDING anyways i cried during the whole thing merely bcuz of the mmrs it brung back lol like i was literally having flashbackz of when i was younger LOL anyways if anyone sees this (i highly doubt it) can u PLZ recommend any similar movies like i dunno th... » Continue Reading
amo a mi novio es literalmente el mejor chico que he conocido jamas, es atento y respetuoso y tenemos el mismo sentido del humor y podemos hablar de cualquier cosa y me siento super comodo a su lado, saca lo mejor de mi y hace que cosas que nunca pense hacer se vean divertidss a su lado, es gracioso y me hace sonreir con tan solo pensar en el, me hace sonrojar con solo un cumplido y me hace sentir... » Continue Reading