ive been thinking about this weird dream i had last nite

so it basically involves a river with dead cats drowning @ the bottom of it and i tried to rescue them but sum1 starts talking to me & flashing slash pics from a girl that tried to khs and the voice (i suppose its a therapist) tells me her story and she also had an ed, when she was inpatient some other guys from the same mental hospital tried to drown her but she didnt resist at all and didnt even bother to get up so she died and it was classified as a suiciden then i stand on a kind of witness stands (d ones that are in courtrooms) & start venting to the mysterious voice and then i look up and every1 (yes even the dead cats and the girl who drowned herself and the ones that tried to kill her) are sitting on a table looking @ me and saying that it was just a social experiment to get me to open up 


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Chaos Conspiracies

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To see a clear and calm river in your dream indicates that you are just going with the flow. You are allowing your life to float away. It is time to take a more decisive role in directing your life. Alternatively, a river symbolizes joyful pleasures, peace, prosperity and fertility
To see a dead cat or hear a cat being killed implies that you are lacking autonomy and independence in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream means that you are refusing to recognize your feminine power.
To dream that you are testifying as a witness indicates that you need to be accountable for your actions
To see someone commit suicide in you dream highlights your concerns for that person. Consider what characteristics and qualities in that person you may be trying to "kill" and annihilate in your own self. Perhaps you hope that you are not like this person and are making attempts to get rid of those traits within your own self. someone drowning in your dream suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore.

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omg tysm ive been thinking ab that dream since i had it & the meaning of it kinda reflectes in my life i rlly apreciate it :-)

by 𖤐 マクたん ⌗; ; Report