so this is pretty much a basic outline of when im active on here - just so y'all know ALL TIMES ARE IN EST (eastern standard time - NJ/NY times) SUNDAY - possibly, though not entirely likely - if so it will be after 8 am and i will be off by like 2 or 3 pm MONDAY - around 6 am to 4 or 5 pm - possibly up until 9 or 10 pm if I have a lot of homework TUESDAY - around 6 am to 4 - after that i mi » Continue Reading
(Just a heads up, I will be using saying fag and/or faggot at multiple points throughout this entry) I got in trouble with my dad for saying "fag" and "faggot" yesterday. Like, I could get it if I I wasn't out to him and said it, but he knows that I'm LGBTQ+ (with my sexuality at least). So basically, I was switching through radio stations, and Holiday by Green Day was playing on one. So when it g... » Continue Reading