Francisco is actually one of my longest-standing characters. Way back in the day, he originated as Alberto Portobello, and then became Francis Patch-Eye. Finally, he became Francisco de Soto! » Continue Reading
Here's the next chapter from Quest, where we meet another member of the main cast. I decided to abandon using Roman numerals because it'll get out of hand and way too goddamn confusing. Viva! » Continue Reading
Okay, well, until I get enough willpower to blunder through and finish the damn thing, I'll be posting chapters from my unfinished fantasy epic called "Quest for the Relics" - but hey, the really fun part came from doing all the world-building, so I'm not entirely suprised that the story portion didn't pan out~ » Continue Reading
[This piece was originally called ElvenWar: The Iron Calvalry, but after making some edits, that title didn't really make sense anymore. So now, I present to you a quick story about Jat » Continue Reading
Did you know how we found the Gemstone Diadem. Maybe in time we will know why it matters so much but for now we’ve managed to triumph. Hopefully that » Continue Reading
I'm not sure how or why I wrote this - was it inspired by a class, or a prompt I saw on Tumblr? Knowing me, it was probably the latter. The stories I produced for creative writing classes almost always seemed to under-deliver. Anyway, on with the show! *** » Continue Reading
Another piece from the Bman Vault. This is a sequel to "Routine" which I posted a few days ago. Enjoy! Brandon thought he had it all » Continue Reading
[This is a sort-of sequel to a story I wrote in December 2014 with my friend Janet. I'll get around to posting that later this week. Please note: I know the timeline is squiffy.] » Continue Reading