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Category: Blogging
HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL 🎉 I hoping everyone had a great start to their year so far ✌🏻 I've just about gotten back into my work flow since coming back from vacation. I haven't done much reading during my stay in Ecuador but I managed to get some time to organizing myself and how I want to tackle my collection in the New Year. For starters, I' » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Hey there 🙃 I usually have a list of what I read on my main profile. However, I decided to compile my thoughts for each manga I read, as well as post my hauls and activity for the month of November 🍁 I hope to encourage people to check out series that they either might've missed or heard of in passing. Whether it be in the form of an informed review, a quick pitch, rando » Continue Reading
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a relevant (yet late) horror showcase 💀🎃
Category: Books and Stories
my more vivid memories as a child involved being scared. i don't mean for that to sound weird or anything, but the idea of being scared by something always fascinated me. i remember one babysitter used to pop out of nowhere randomly (and i would shout/giggle a storm 😂) and another who i would stumble on watching a scary movie every now and then. s » Continue Reading
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reorganized my shelves and record collection! (plus my Sept. manga haul 🤙🏻🤙🏻)
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
it took me a while, but i managed to » Continue Reading
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this manga has me going cluckin' mad 🐓 (MINOR SPOILERS)
Category: Books and Stories
tldr: Rooster Fighter is an action/comedy parody that currently has four volumes out in Japan (with volume 2 scheduled to be released in English November 2022). Has reminded me a lot of Fist of the North Star, One Punch Man, and Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Ve » Continue Reading
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i made manga shelftalkers for work w/ help from reddit!
Category: Blogging
i noticed that customers lately have been talking about/purchasing the same few series and felt the need to spruce up my store's manga section! so a few days ago, i posted on reddit and asked for user manga recommendations and small blurbs that i could write onto little shelftalker cards. the responses i got were all super helpful and eye-opening. i learned about a few series that i've either gla... » Continue Reading
i read a quirky art manga 🎨 (SPOILER FREE)
Category: Books and Stories
tldr: It's not Blue Period. Genkaku Picasso compiles a variety of art styles, metaphorical storytelling, and unique extras/details rarely seen into a short three volume series. Though feeling episodic, Usamaru Furuya delivers a beautifully compelling story that has the reader dive into the human psyche alongside his characters. » Continue Reading