I have a test today, its a major math test and its required for everyone at the same time. ignoring the fact I’m terrible at math and don’t want to do this, I’m happy to get out of gym and english. I’ll still have choir though. The school says if everyone at our school does good or something we get like a picnic, dj, and other stuff idfk. » Continue Reading
I wasn’t at school for 3 days and I missed 2 of our major tests, I’m about to take the first one in a class with other people that didn’t do it. My nails were kind of a problem cuz I played hockey in gym class but my pointer fingers nail fell off in the locker room and I lost it. I’m in lecture hall to take the test, though I don’t have this class I’ve been here before because of other classes. » Continue Reading
I’m in the auditorium right now for English, I got all 7 of my assignments done so I am on Spacehey now and I’m adding cool people! Anyways I won’t be on for music longer because English period ends soon, (8 minutes at this moment). This morning I woke up extra early (5:20am) because we had to drive my father to work. Then we got McDonald’s tho!! I got to school earlier too somehow, despite how mu... » Continue Reading